
Performance Disclosure

We are very proud of the returns generated by Gainshore’s investment recommendations of Funds & ETFs, Stocks to Buy, Stocks to Sell, and our model portfolios. We also are committed as a firm to the concept of transparency and to providing you with an accurate and transparent explanation of our performance metrics. You will find this information below.

Funds & ETFs – Model Portfolios

Unless otherwise specified, annualized returns are for 01/08/2018 through the current month.

The performance of Gainshore Funds & ETFs list of funds and model portfolios has not been audited or attested by independent third parties. Returns relating to periods antecedent to the company’s foundation in April 2022 may be difficult or unfeasible to audit since they may be part of hypothetical trading or pertain to several managed accounts of the company’s founder; results shown may differ from real results both positively and negatively. 

These returns are from hypothetical portfolios consisting of funds with Funds & ETFs that were rebalanced with zero transaction costs. These are not the returns of actual portfolios of funds. 

To determine the returns at least 3 types of calculations may be used:

  1. A simple equally-weighted average return of all Funds & ETFs funds or of the only funds in the specific model portfolio;
  2. A discretionary asset allocation resembling the suggested allocation as shown on Gainshore website;
  3. A discretionary asset allocation as per b. above, but excluding any suggested cash holdings, hence increasing all investment holdings weights proportionally to simulate zero cash holdings in the portfolio.

Returns relating to periods prior to Gainshore’s foundation, are calculated by discretionary asset allocation weights, trying to resemble the company’s founder’s real or hypothetical trades.  

The monthly and weekly returns are then compounded to arrive at the annual return. 

Only Funds & ETFs funds included in Gainshore portfolios at the beginning of each month or week are included in the return calculations. Certain Funds & ETFs funds for which no month-end price or weekly open price was available, pricing information was not collected, or for certain other reasons have been excluded from these return calculations. 

The Gainshore Funds & ETFs performance shown are returns from a hypothetical portfolio consisting of Gainshore Funds & ETFs funds selected as described above; these returns are not based on a backtest. These returns are higher than the returns an investor would achieve investing real money in a portfolio of Gainshore Funds & ETFs funds because the returns of the hypothetical portfolio exclude commissions incurred for trading, the average bid ask spread, and other costs including transaction costs.

Long Term Stocks – Model Portfolios

Unless otherwise specified, annualized returns are for 01/01/2020 through the current month.

The performance of Gainshore Long Term Stocks and model portfolios, including stocks and funds, has not been audited or attested by independent third parties. Returns relating to periods antecedent to the company’s foundation in April 2022 may be difficult or unfeasible to audit since they may be part of hypothetical trading or pertain to several managed accounts of the company’s founder; results shown may differ from real results both positively and negatively. 

These returns are from hypothetical portfolios consisting of stocks, or funds and stocks, with Stocks to Buy that were rebalanced with zero transaction costs. These are not the returns of actual portfolios of stocks or funds and stocks. 

To determine the returns at least 3 types of calculations may be used:

  1. A simple equally-weighted average return of all Long Term Stocks or of all funds and stocks in the specific model portfolio;
  2. A discretionary asset allocation resembling the suggested allocation as shown on Gainshore website;
  3. A discretionary asset allocation as per b. above, but excluding any suggested cash holdings, hence increasing all investment holdings weights proportionally to simulate zero cash holdings in the portfolio.

Returns relating to periods prior to Gainshore’s foundation are calculated by discretionary asset allocation weights, trying to resemble the company’s founder’s real or hypothetical trades.  

The monthly and weekly returns are then compounded to arrive at the annual return. 

Only Stocks to Buy stocks included in Gainshore portfolios at the beginning of each month or week are included in the return calculations. Stocks to Buy stocks for which no month-end price or weekly open price was available, pricing information was not collected, or for certain other reasons have been excluded from these return calculations. 

The Gainshore Stocks to Buy performance shown are returns from a hypothetical portfolio consisting of Gainshore Stocks to Buy stocks, or funds and stocks, selected as described above; these returns are not based on a backtest. These returns are higher than the returns an investor would achieve investing real money in a portfolio of Gainshore Stocks to Buy stocks, or funds and stocks because the returns of the hypothetical portfolio exclude commissions incurred for trading, the average bid ask spread, and other costs including transaction costs.

Short Term Stocks

Unless otherwise specified, annualized returns are for 01/01/2021 through the current month.

The performance of Gainshore Short Term Stocks has not been audited or attested by independent third parties. Returns relating to periods antecedent to the company’s foundation in April 2022 may be difficult or unfeasible to audit since they may be part of hypothetical trading or pertain to several managed accounts of the company’s founder; results shown may differ from real results both positively and negatively. 

These returns are from hypothetical portfolios consisting of stocks, with Short Term Stocks that were rebalanced with zero transaction costs. These are not the returns of actual portfolios of stocks. 

To determine the returns at least 3 types of calculations may be used:

  1. A simple equally-weighted average return of all Short Term Stocks ;
  2. A discretionary asset allocation resembling the suggested allocation as shown on Gainshore website;
  3. A discretionary asset allocation as per b. above, but excluding any suggested cash holdings, hence increasing all investment holdings weights proportionally to simulate zero cash holdings in the portfolio.

Returns relating to periods prior to Gainshore’s foundation, are calculated by discretionary asset allocation weights, trying to resemble the company’s founder’s real or hypothetical trades.  

The monthly and weekly returns are then compounded to arrive at the annual return. 

Only Stocks to Sell stocks included in Gainshore portfolios at the beginning of each month or week are included in the return calculations. Stocks to Sell stocks for which no month-end price or weekly open price was available, pricing information was not collected, or for certain other reasons have been excluded from these return calculations. 

The Gainshore Short Term Stocks performance shown are returns from a hypothetical portfolio consisting of Gainshore Stocks to Sell stocks, selected as described above; these returns are not based on a backtest. These returns are higher than the returns an investor would achieve investing real money in a portfolio of Gainshore Short Term Stocks, because the returns of the hypothetical portfolio exclude commissions incurred for trading, the average bid ask spread, and other costs, including transaction costs.

The universe of stock/funds for which Gainshore’s recommendation performance is reported has changed and will be changing over time.

Trading/investing involves risk, and you can lose some or all of your investment. Hypothetical or backtested results may not always be duplicated in the real world. Backtesting can, at times, produce an unintended look-ahead bias. Results can also at times be over or understated due to the exclusion of inactive companies. In addition, hypothetical trading does not involve financial risk, and no hypothetical trading record can completely account for the impact of financial risk in actual trading, not the least of which is the ability to withstand losses or to adhere to a particular trading strategy in spite of trading losses.

Benchmark returns like S&P 500 or MSCI World may differ from returns shown on other websites.

Gainshore endeavours to disclose as much information as possible regarding pro forma and actual returns. Clarifications, questions, or comments can be forwarded to or via phone at +44 7392 144081.

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